67th Annual State Conference
Thank you for attending! Look for an email from [email protected] containing the conference survey link. Thank you for your feedback. Scroll down for other conference resources.
Save the date for August 3-6, 2025 at the Mayo Civic Center in Rochester, MN!

MSNA for All
August 4-7, 2024
River’s Edge Convention Center | St. Cloud, MN
Thank you for joining us for MSNA’s 67th Annual State Conference, August 4-7, 2024, at the St. Cloud River’s Edge Convention Center in St. Cloud, MN. We hope you had a wonderful time!
About the Conference:
- MSNA is for All! Our 2024 conference theme is "MSNA for All." MSNA is here to support you, wherever you are in your professional development. We strive to provide you the resources you need to excel.
- Learn how you can improve and enhance your program. The Annual Conference is the "School Event of the Year" and an annual convening for sharing, learning, and networking, and is a time to honor all the work of School Nutrition professionals.
- There are sessions for everyone. Sessions include fundamentals, menu planning, presentations by MDE, farm-to-school, professional development, and so much more. This is a time for the community of school nutrition directors, managers, staff, and industry partners to come together to grow as professionals.
- Stay up-to-date on new products and services. On Tuesday, August 6, spend the day with 100+ companies in the exhibit hall who are excited to showcase their products and services. Learn which new foods you can to implement into your own program!
Registration is online only. You will have the option to pay via credit card or be sent an invoice.
Please mail all checks to 1400 Van Buren St. NE #200-239, Minneapolis, MN 55413.
- $220 - Member Pass [$265 after July 10]
- $240 - Member Director/Purchaser Pass* [$285 after July 10]
- $320 - Non-Member Pass [$365 after July 10]
- $340 - Non-Member Director/Purchaser Pass* [$385 after July 10]
- $150 - Tuesday Only Pass [$170 after July 10]
- $170 - Tuesday Only Director/Purchaser Pass* [$190 after July 10]
*Provides access to director/purchaser-only time in the exhibit hall on Tuesday, August 6 - approximately 2 hours additional time. The entire exhibit show runs approximately 4.5 hours.
- $210 - ServSafe 8-hour Course & Exam Sunday, August 4, 8:00 AM-6:00 PM (Includes the 8:00 AM-12:00 PM ServSafe renewal course and the 12:30-6:00 PM Part 2 & Exam)
This is a trademarked ServSafe course led by Michelle Hill, FoodSafetyGuy. Includes a ServSafe Food Manager book with exam answer sheet and proctored ServSafe Food Manager examination. A box lunch will be provided. REGISTRATION DEADLINE: JULY 19
- $100 - ServSafe 4-Hour Renewal Course Sunday, August 4, 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM.
This is a "refresher" course and only for those who need 4 hours of training. This is a trademarked ServSafe class led by Michelle Hill, FoodSafetyGuy. The certificate for four (4) CEUs will be issued electronically after class and must be printed and sent to MDH along with the renewal application and $35.00 to the address printed on the back of the application form. Lunch is NOT provided. REGISTRATION DEADLINE: JULY 19
Registering a Group?
Both members and non-members are able to register groups through the registration form. If you would like to register a group, select the button below and log-in using your member username and password. If you have never created an account with MSNA, you will be able to set up an account. You will then have the option to register your group as guests. Accepted payments include pay via credit card or check.
Schedule Outline
Full Schedule
Program & Exhibit Booklet
Speaker Wall

Jon Colby
“Laugh Provoking.” “Engaging.” “Refreshing.”
Jon Colby has been empowering people all over the world with improv for over 24 years. From presenting to performing, his engaging and interactive approach has successfully helped audiences across the world to be better communicators, leaders, teammates, salespeople, and even school nutrition professionals!
Jon combines his master’s in education and his background in theatre to craft a meaningful and interactive experience where audiences have the opportunity to apply what they learn. As a graduate from the world-famous Second City Conservatory comedy program and an educator with 15 years of classroom experience, he is able to keep an audience laughing while sharing practical knowledge that can be put to use right away. He has motivated and entertained hundreds of clients, including some of the nation’s top companies and organizations.
April Lewis
April Lewis empowers individuals to be the highest versions of themselves so they become healthy, happy, high-achievers. She is the CEO of the A. Lewis Academy, Inc., a learning and development consultancy based in Florida. As a keynote speaker, national trainer, and Executive Coach she takes an “inside–out approach” to personal, professional, and organizational transformation.
Lewis is a Certified Life Coach, Certified Health Coach, and Best-Selling Author of “The Missing Piece in Forgiveness.” She equips professionals with relevant tools and strategies to manage stress and increase resiliency. Lewis is a U.S. Army veteran and Gold Star Wife. She is a first-generation graduate of the University of South Carolina and a native of Mobile, AL.
Learn more about the keynotes
Tuesday, August 6, 9:15 AM - 2:00 PM
- Director/Purchaser Passes Only: 9:15 AM - 11:15 AM
- All Attendees: 11:30 AM - 2:00 PM
Exhibitors, please visit the exhibitor page for the prospectus, registration, forms, and other information.
MSNA is partnering with Feeding Area Children Together (FACT) for 2024. FACT is a non-profit founded in St. Cloud, Minnesota, offering free meals to K-8 students facing food insecurity. Around one in five students in Central Minnesota suffer from hunger, leading to potential learning and behavioral difficulties. FACT steps in by supplying food to students during weekends and on school breaks, ensuring they have access to food outside of school hours. Learn more here.
1) Seeking Raffle Baskets for the Education Scholarship Raffle
- We are seeking basket donations for the annual Education Scholarship Raffle! The raffle will take place following the closing session and keynote on Wednesday, August 7. Thanks to funds raised last year, we were able to award four $500 scholarships to MSNA members, giving them the opportunity to attend a conference of their choice. Thank you for your continued generosity! Please drop off baskets at the registration desks during any of these times: Sunday, August 4 from 2:00-5:00 PM or Monday, August 5 from 7:00-4:30 PM. All baskets must be display ready at drop-off.
2) Nutrition Champions Challenge
Come challenge yourselves in this team-building yard game championship held on Tuesday, August 6 from 3:15 to 4:45 PM! Everyone is invited to not only show off your skills working with a team, but learn new techniques in teamwork. The champions will be entered into a raffle to win prizes. Get ready for FUN for all!
3) Challenge Yourself to a St. Cloud Scavenger Hunt
- The Scavenger Hunt takes place on the evening of Tuesday, August 6. Download the free Visit St. Cloud app to play. Prize announcements coming soon!
4) Lend a Helping Hand & Volunteer
You are invited to sign-up for one or more volunteer positions. Volunteering is great way to meet fellow attendees, including committee and Board members, learn more about MSNA, and contribute to the success of the organization. Many hands make light work! When you sign-up, you will receive a confirmation email to remind you of your task and time to report. We encourage you to forward this information onto your colleague and other fellow conference-goers. Thank YOU!
5) New Activities for 2024 - Farm Tour & Yoga!
Led by Marnie Henkle of Foodbridge Inc., a yoga session will kick off your morning the right way. Yoga is available on both Tuesday and Wednesday morning from 7:00 - 7:45 AM at the Sunwood Ballroom at the Kelly Inn. To sign-up, email MSNA which day(s) you'd like to participate along with your signed waiver. BYOM (bring your own mat) if you have one. 30 spots are available each day.
Join us at Stoney Brook Farms on Tuesday, August 6 at 3:30 PM, following the close of the exhibit show. Come meet Brad and learn about where your produce is grown and how it gets to you. Attendees must provide their own transportation to and from Stoney Brook, located at: 989 115th Ave NE, Foley, MN 56329. 50 spots are available. Learn more here.
Visit the MSNA Facebook Page for past conference photos.
Questions? Please contact MSNA at [email protected] or 320-251-2344.